Friday, October 25, 2013

Getting Ready for Baby #2

So...hi! I haven't written in a long time and life has gotten away from me. We are expecting baby #2 any day now. Like literally, any moment she can make her magical appearance and I'd be very happy to meet her! This pregnancy has been less than blissful which is why the very long and much overdue blogging break.

First off, I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or extreme morning sickness. I couldn't keep anything down including water or as everyone who thinks it is just an upset tummy would suggest saltine crackers. Nope. My body hated all things and I think I threw up about 100 times a day. I had to go in twice a week for fluid infusions and my arms looked like a drug addict. I also looked like hell as I was reminded on a daily basis by people. It got so extreme that my lovely daughter would go to her little potty and pretend to barf. She also would barf in her play bowls, and sinks. Yes. Daycare I'm sure thought it was lovely.

I had HG for about four months with nausea for the rest of the pregnancy. I still gained weight because if I was hungry I had to eat RIGHT AWAY or risk gagging for hours. It was awesome.

So getting past that, I am officially due on Halloween which is less than a week away. Hooray for maybe being almost done with this pregnancy! I haven't been able to use most shampoos, lotions, soaps, or deodorants with scents because they make me gag. Poor husband also has had to change his choice of fragranced items. I'm sure he is excited to finally use his giant bag of reject soaps that now lives on our back porch because I can smell them through the bag.

We are expecting another sweet little girl! Ella will be a sister and I can't be more excited for her! I always wanted a sister so I can't wait for her to have a built in friend for the rest of her life, or at least I hope so! Ella is a bit bossy so her little sister will need to fall in line quickly or else Ella will tell her what is up...poor thing!

We had photos done by Coates Photographer so here are a few of my favorites:

We also moved to a new house during all of this lovely barfing, so we are in a bigger house with more rooms and a lovely backyard! Very excited and exhausting for this pregnant lady. I feel blessed to have a lovely home and almost two lovely little girls!
So that's the update so far...more to come and hopefully some photos of a sweet little baby girl to be joining the family soon!

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