Saturday, July 21, 2012

One Sick Baby

Unfortunately Ella is sick. The doctor kindly told me that she isn't "too sick" but she is sick. She has a fever and upset tummy and one big case of the grumps. For the past week we have been sitting on the couch cuddling and sleeping. Her little cry and whimper breaking my heart.

How in the world do mothers handle this? I feel like I am totally unprepared to deal with it. I am extremely lucky because she has not been sick like this before, but that doesn't make it any better. Sometimes when she is crying and nothing makes her stop I just want to give her the world. By the world I mean a wet washcloth, clean diaper, hair brush, or whatever random item she clasps on to and won't let go. Yes, my child has slept with all of the above and also a wad of my hair she pulled out, a bag of Goldfish crackers, and a spoon. I don't know why she feels the need to hold on to an object while she feels sick, but she does. Very strange, but for some reason comforting.

All I have to say is that my heart goes out to mothers who have sick babies, and an extra prayer to those mothers who have "too sick" babies.

A rare not-crying photo of the patient

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