Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tis' the Season!

This is Charlotte's first Christmas which means I have to go absolutely crazy buying "First Christmas" things like ornaments, dresses, pj's, and t-shirts. Assuming this is my last baby I just *HAVE* to have these things!

I also forced my adorable children to get photos taken at JC Penney when they very clearly would have much rather cried in the quiet and non-eye prying public. Oh well, a mother must do what a mother must do!

So I put them in their first of I'm sure many matching dresses and drove to our local mall and wheeled in a screaming one month old and fidgety toddler through the very breakable home crystal department and arrived red faced at the photo counter. I checked in and sat down to nurse my screaming child while the other one I convinced to run back and forth down the hallway "as fast as you can". People gave me looks of pity or annoyance depending on if they had/have children and I tried to keep it together. Yes there were tears in the bathroom when I changed the baby's diaper for the second time and my happy toddler declared extremely loud that she was going to "open all the doors".

Over an hour, two nursing sessions, and about one hundred "faster, faster, run faster"s we finally made it to the tiny little photo room. One child slept through the whole thing while the other decided it was best to stick her tongue out and smile with "all my teef".

Here is the "best" photo we got:

Yes, my baby has a Mohawk. Yes, Ella's hair is messy but hey they aren't screaming!

I declared it a very successful endeavor full of many memories so to reward my toddler (i.e. myself) we went to the Top Pot Donuts. Then we went home and both children passed out in the car and I sat and finished my coffee.

Tis' the season!

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