We made it! The first day was pretty tough - I don't recommend a vacation to Iceland anytime soon. The place is pretty barren and they don't really know how to run an airport. Once we finally got in the UK we had about a three hour bus ride to Bath. Exhausted we ate dinner and forced ourselves to stay awake until a normal hour to sleep. I almost fell asleep in my pint and fish n'chips!
Today we went to Stonehenge. The weather was perfect and the crowds weren't too crazy so we have some great photos! The country side is beautiful, green and lush with lots of old houses and farms dotting the way. It is very different than the US in that EVERYTHING is old! The buildings in Bath are beautiful. We walked the river and had ice cream and enjoyed how lovely the weather was - not a rain cloud in site! We even had to put on sunscreen at Stonehenge. We also stopped at a little town where some of Harry Potter was filmed. I don't really know much Harry Potter so I think some of the magic was lost on me, but it was really neat to see such an old town still thriving. The people that live there have to be descendents of people who originally lived there or work in the village. No outsiders allowed! Some of the roofs still have thatched roofs and the buildings still have the original timber holding them up.
It is about dinner time here so we will be finding another English eatery to go to and then try and find our hotel for tomorrow. The plan is to visit the Baths tomorrow morning and then on our way to London! We are going to get a few pints - okay maybe I will get a half pint. I was surprised how big a pint is - and the beer is very strong. So that I actually last a half might be in order!
After the Baths were headed to London via the train. It will be my first train ride which I am very excited about! The streets the Bath are very small and it gets me worried since the buzz around so fast...and on the wrong side of the road! The train is much faster and I hear a very nice view so I am pretty excited to say I have been on a train (well other than the one at Silverwood....)
On to London tomorrow...cheers!
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