Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentine's Day Game!

I found this blog that has a game to play for Valentine's Day, so here we go!

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Let's see...we started dating when I was 17, took a few years off, so probably 8 years.

2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
We were both in band in High School so we met in class. I remember the first time I really "saw" him was at a band concert when he was wearing a red island print shirt and a thick metal necklace right before the steel drum band performed. He was cute and super cool and I was super dorky. We were really just friends at first, I thought he liked my friend Lindsey. He asked her to the homecoming dance and I didn't have a date so I convinced Chris Parkin to ask me. We double dated and we realized that we liked each other better than our dates, even though Chris was super cool, funny, and seriously the most talented person I know, he was just not "the one". I put that in there because he really is cool...and now a professional musician and I think I sort of made him hate me after this whole double date disaster. I'm sure he is over it...

Here is the great photo of that night.

3. If married, how long have you been married?  {do tell}
We got married June 14, 2008, so 3 years!

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? 
We got married at Fort Wright Mukogawa in the Chapel. It was semi big, 200 people invited. It was much bigger than we wanted and we had to cap it because of seating in the small chapel.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Ugh no I actually hate nicknames. Sometimes I call him Husband and he calls me Wife. So maybe that is nickname enough...(this photo has nothing to do with this I just like it...ha!)

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
           1. He is funny, and thinks I'm funny. We are just funny people! (see photo!)
           2. He is really smart - he is a doctor after all! He just has this ability to learn and interpret   
               things that amazes me. He also teaches me things like sports and spelling. I suck at spelling.
           3. He loves me. This sounds weird, but the way that he loves me is amazing. I am somewhat 
               emotional and crazy at times and he is so grounded in his love that it brings me back and 
               makes me feel safe.

7. Tell us how he proposed?
I don't really have a good proposal story. We were buying a house and I was kind of freaking out because I just never envisioned myself buying a house without being married. After signing the papers which took twice as long because we weren't married, he asked me to marry him. It was sweet and real, not all puppies and rainbows.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals? there another option? Ha! I guess flowers but no teddy bear, since I'm not five anymore. I'm not a super big Valentine's Day person, but diamonds are always nice. (wink wink) This photo has nothing to do with this, I just don't have a photo to match and you can't go wrong with baby gift he has given me!

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I'm a sunset dinner on a beach person, but more often then not we are a watch 30 Rock reruns type of couple. It's all good - you can't go wrong with Tina Fey!

Or maybe a Mariners game with a Ichidog...

10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I want to go back to Europe with him, sooner rather than later. We had a great time, but missed Ireland and Wales which were on our list of to do's. I also would like to tour more of England. We had such a good time last time and are the best travel buddies! After that Brazil, Australia, and Italy. Of course we do have on the list Boston and New Orleans so we'll see how much of this traveling gets done with a little one.

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
Stay home with the Bean. I am going to make homemade Fettuccine Alfredo and maybe cheesecake or something. Oh and some wink wink...HA!

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Not really, just some time with my family. Maybe a nap if possible since this doesn't have a snooze button...oh how babies change things!

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Laugh and laugh often. We try not to take ourselves too seriously, and sometimes it is hard, especially as a first time parent. Just try to remember that it is supposed to be fun. Oh and it helps if are the same political party so you can watch the Daily Show and not get in a fight, you both love
"good" beer, and root for the same college team.

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.
(ps I don't LOVE the way I look, but the feeling is total love)


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