Friday, November 18, 2011

My Tummy Time Master!

So if you aren't a parent you may not understand Tummy Time. So since babies are told to sleep on their back, they now have this thing called tummy time which is time that a baby is supposed to be on their tummy to build up their neck muscles and also to help them crawl...eventually. It sucks. At least for Ella it sucks. She cries like a mad crazy baby and then mommy cries and then we fail and I flip her over on her back.

After this crying/screaming/sense of failure experience over and over again I decided I better figure out what the heck I am doing wrong. Plus, I don't want to go to our pediatrician (who happens to be a very nice Russian lady) and admit that she has no tummy time because mommy is a wimp. So after asking other moms and looking online I found that they make these pillows that are long and thin that babies can lean on so their heads are slightly elevated and it helps them not have to smash their pretty noses on the ground. I'm not about to buy a stupid pillow that is specially made for this. That sounds really wasteful and I don't feel like leaving the house right now because I am having some horrible reaction to something and my eyes are swollen and red. I look super awful...

Okay back on topic! So I came up with a better idea! I rolled up one of her fluffy blankets and set her on that. She held her head up at 90 degrees and looked at me like "FINALLY CRAZY MOM! I CAN DO THIS!" So hooray! Tummy Time Master on my hands. She loves it because she can see everything and when she gets tired she doesn't have to smash her cute nose...or rub her face on the ground...getting so upset that she throws up. Uh was bad news bears for a while.

So here is my little champ, taking on the world:

This kid is amazing! Okay...that's all...just had to brag!

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