Friday, January 20, 2012

Scarborough Fair Chicken

My dad bought me one of my most prized Christmas gifts - a red dutch oven. I love it so much because it makes me feel like a cook. Oh and it makes good food. But the whole feel like a cook thing is pretty much awesomeness. I've made a lot of things in it - chicken noodle soup, chili, and roast chicken but all of them were from my one cookbook that I always use and to be honest is the greatest thing in the whole world - the good ol' Betty Crocker cookbook. He bought me this book - Glorious One Pot Meals to go along with my new obsession so I wanted to make something easy to start out with since some of the recipes are tricky and very bold flavors and I wanted to slowly get Hubby into the idea of how awesome this pot really is without freaking him out.

Photo from Amazon linked above.

I made Scarborough Fair Chicken p 149 to start with. Now I forgot to take pictures and we ate it up right away so use your imagination here...

Olive Oil Spray
1 cup rice
1 cup plus 1 tbs brother or water
1/2 to 3/4 lbs chicken breasts
Sea Salt and ground pepper
3 to 5 garlic cloves
3 to 5 shallots
1 medium zucchini cut into 1/2 inch slices
1 medium yellow squash cut into 1/2 inch slices
5 fresh parsley sprigs
3 fresh sage leaves
4 fresh thyme sprigs

So here we go - spray the heck out of the top and insides of the dutch oven. Put in the rice as a thin layer and cove with the liquid. Place the chicken, then the garlic and shallots all chopped up on top. Then layer in the zucchini and squash and finally poke in the herbs where you can. Put the lid on top and bake for 45 minutes in 450 degree oven. Serve all mixed up and delish!

Now Hubby was a little scared of this one. He took a bite and then declared "It is much better than I thought it would be!" Gee...thanks. It was really good. Just take my word for it, the herbs and chicken yummers! I used brown rice which was a little more chewy but since I hate rice I was cool with it!

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